Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hiroshi Shirai Shihan course - Birmingham
Shirai Shihan was born on 31st July 1937 in Nagasaki, Japan and started Karate in 1956 in Komazawa University.
His instructors there were Nishiyama & Tsujima Sensei. He received his Shodan in 1957 with Yamamoto and Kano Sensei.
He then attended the JKA Instructor's course from 1960 to 1962 with Watanabe, Kano and Nakajama where Nakayama, Nishiyama, Kase & Sugiura Sensei were his instructors. This was the course after Asai Sensei. He won the Japan Championships in 1962.

Above : Shirai Shihan with members of IJKA Yorkshire
Gullen Shihan, Gude Sensei, Simon, Rebecca, Michael and myself travelled the 500km round trip to Birmingham today to train on the Goshin Shotokan Karate Do course. Both Shirai and Kase Shihan were a big influence in Sensei Andy's karate. I could recognise the way Andy builds his Kihon and develops his kumite drills from what we were taught today. Shirai's karate has a strong feel of Budo, the single 100% attack with nothing held back.
To me the training had a feel of Hangetsu, we would start with application and then train Goshin kata. A feel of strong controlled techniques starting "uchi" so that a rapid second technique could be blocked and countered. Techniques were practiced with attacks first in four and then eight directions. Defences were also executed with the attacker stepping in, walking towards or from behind, each time being subjected to a double attack.
Everyone will take away something different from the course, but for me I felt that I could react and turn 180 degrees in defense quicker than normal in the Goshin style stance.
Labels: Birmingham, IJKA Yorkshire, Shihan, Shirai
Friday, July 24, 2009
Asai Ryu kata videos
A version of Kibaken Sandan from IJKA Bulgaria and a slow version of Junro Yondan from Johannessen Sensei 4th Dan JSKA , enjoy.
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Labels: Asai, IJKA JKS, Junro Yondan, Kibaken Sandan, Sensei, Shihan, tutorial, video
Hambleton Week 1
I think she was glad to see that Senpai Ian was there, even though he was happy to let her teach and he joined in with the training.
Beck's started with normal warm ups and went onto kihon, half steps forward and back with blocks, punches and kicks.
The session was finished off with kata Heian Shodan and Nidan. As a relatively inexperienced instructor Rebecca probably pitched it just right. She taught the basics she has done with Sensei Kato, session after session and with a small but mixed group of grades focused on techniques and kata that they were experienced in.
Hopefully it will boost Rebecca's confidence in instructing and was an enjoyable session for our members.
Hope to see you all this Wednesday.
Labels: Hambleton, Karate, Rebecca, Selby Shotokan, Senpai
Friday, July 17, 2009
Training in August
Due to school holidays we will be unable to train at Barlby High School on Sundays, from the 16th to 30th Inclusive. However we have arranged to train at Hambleton school for these Sunday sessions from 17.30 to 19.30 hrs.

We look forward to seeing as many karateka as possible at Hambleton.
Click on the yellow buttons below to return to the "HOME" or "Hambleton School" to get a map and directions to the school .
Labels: Hambleton, IJKA Yorkshire, Selby Shotokan, SSKC
SSKC @ Hambleton
We will be running a session at Hambleton C of E Primary School, Gateforth Lane, Hambleton, Selby, YO8 9HP every Wednesday from 18.30 to to 20.00hrs, commencing on the 22nd July 2009.
We have made arrangements initially for 3 months and will make permanent arrangements once we can fully assess take up. The facility will be open to all SSKC graded members to allow you to improve your depth of karate knowledge between grades, rather than concentrate on core syllabus only.
Long-term we will have to set a rate which is self-financing for those members that take part, but initially we will require a 4 weekly subscription of £10.00.
We look forward to seeing as many karateka as possible at Hambleton.
Click on the yellow buttons below to return to the "HOME" or "Hambleton School" to get a map and directions to the school .
Labels: Hambleton, IJKA, Selby Shotokan, SSKC
Monday, July 13, 2009
Facing Africa Update

The total raised was a staggering £1174.51, I would like to thank all those who contributed.
Kelvin still has a close association with the charity and would be happy to supply further information to anyone that requires it.
Labels: Facing Africa
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The return of a Robinson
Gullen Shihan looks a little puzzled, I am sure it is not the very young looking Joshua Robinson causing him concern?
He looks 600mm taller and 300mm boarder than when he last trained with us. I have just been back though my records and the last training session was when he was seven in 2004. Five years later he is built like a rugby player! ( I hope I have the right picture? I am sure Gillian his Mum will tell me if I have it wrong) Joshua is the younger brother of Thomas, who won the Trevor Jinks cup a few years ago.
Welcome back Joshua, Osu!
Seiryu and Hachimon kata
Friday, July 10, 2009
Shotokan Shihan Page
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Labels: Shotokan Shihan
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Look after my Licence!
Mike just put his white belt back on and got on with his training. He regularly joins in with the higher grade training at Selby and also attend sessions with Gullen Shihan in York.
Mike happened to have his old KUGB licence in his bag, so I asked him if I could take a copy. He explained that like so many his original licence had been lost, but his replacement had his last three grades registered. His parting words as he went to get changed..."you will look after my licence want you?"
Mike was an ex member of the Marshall Street dojo and his licence was stamped with the mark of the late Shihan Keinosuke Enoeda. Marshall Street dojo in London was the home of Shihan Enoeda in the early days of karate in England.
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Labels: Enoeda, Marshall street dojo, Mike Betts, Sensei
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Special Offer to Barlby Schools
Sensei Andy and Rebecca presented pupils with a certificate to celebrate the completion of there introduction to Shotokan Karate.
Above: Pupils from Barlby Hilltop Community School
Leila, Liam and Abby (not in the photo) as SSKC members helped out with the sessions and provided the beginners with someone to follow. Thank you to the three of you.
SSKC have put together a special package with Actice Selby for students who have just completed a 10 week taster session at Barlby Hilltop and Barlby Bridge Primary Schools. Pupils are being offer a 3 month discounted course and a free karate Gi if they want to continue with their study of Shotokan. Any student who takes up the offer will be ideally placed to take a formal IJKA grading in the Autumn with Kato Shihan when he next comes to York.
I have just completed the CSN returns to the local authority and was very pleased with our contribution to the community. Sensei Andy and Rebecca have provide 358 pupil hours of instruction to the schools, with a fairly even split between boys and girls.
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Thursday, July 02, 2009
Congraulations Claire.
Above: Tia with Big brother Josh
looking forward to seeing you all soon, OSU! (not too loud if she is sleeping)
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Labels: Claire Hardy, Josh, Karate, Selby Shotokan, Tia