Dave Stavenau - 3rd Kyu

Dave was graded to 3rd Kyu by Kato Shihan in October 2005. Dave should be very proud of what he has achieved, but shall we see from wence he came?

In Nov 04 Dave grades for his purple belt 5th Kyu, this is a big step up from the lower grades and expected standards are demanding. Above Dave performs Sanbon Kumite (3 step sparring) with Dave from Haxby. In December 04 we started a tradition of holding a low profile display. Junior karateka could show parents and family what they had learnt during the past year.
Following displays of knee boxing, 5, 3, and 1 step kumite by club members sensei Ash ask Dave and myself to do a little "relaxed" ippon kumite.
Above Dave is ready for action, did the punch score or go past?
Opps! Sorry Dave... and things were going so well.
In March 05 Dave goes on to Grade for his 4th Kyu a transission to Brown belt, the Purple and white belt is yet another giant leap for both Dave and mankind.
Sensei Keith Krieghton is a very welcome presence on the Kihon table. Sensei Ian Shaw is still dreaming up increasingly difficult combinations.
Left: Dave performs Tekki Shodan. This is a difficult Kata for all of us over six feet tall.
Why does Kata always look better when the shorter Karateka perform it?
October 2005 Dave is a Brown belt!
Dave is a keen motorcylist and has a strong interest in all Japanese.
Dave we have seen you progress in the last few years, your hard work and regular training at both Selby and Haxby has provided the foundation for seven successful gradings in a row.
My final thought "Otaga-ni-rei" - Osu! (have I spelt it right Dave?)
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