Domonic and Rebecca - Green for Go!

Rebecca and Domonic have both just received their Green belts from Kato Shihan.
I don't have many pictures of them together, these two go back a couple of years, which I'm sure they will be embarrassed to see on the WWW
Rebecca started her martial arts training quite a while ago. Rebecca watched her older brother train in Te-At-Su for a year before she was allowed to join in.
Rebecca got her first gi at the age of 5 in 1997 and graded 11 times between March 1997 and Jan 2000 attaining a very respectfull rank of purple belt by the time she was 8.
Rebecca found the transition to traditional karate difficult, not least the fact it is taught in Japanese. Rebecca has impaired hearing and without her hearing aids relies on lip reading for most of her information. Rebecca finds Kato Shihan especially difficult to understand. I'm not sure that it is just Rebecca.
Rebecca graded from 12th to 10th Kyu from April 2001 to March 2002 and then decided to give her martial arts a break, the break lasted until 2004!
Rebecca graded again at 9th Kyu in March 2005 and attained her Green belt 6th Kyu in February 2006
Rebecca Trains regularly at both Selby and Haxby clubs and ocassionaly at York when homework schedules allow. Rebecca has represented her school at sports and is keen to take physical Education as one of her options, as an active Karateka Shotokan is likely to one of Rebeccas selected sports.
A GCSE in PE is not an easy option as many find out, its similar to a Black Belt in IJKA, not an easy option either, but strong personal rewards.

Domonic joined Selby Club soon after we moved to Barlby with his father. Bernard was an experienced Karateka (3rd Dan) but unfortunately has had to hang up his gi due to recurring old injuries.
Bernard's support is greatly appreciated by the club at events, a very able pad holder or corner judge.
I'm sure that some of that old karate talent has rubbed of on Domonic. He has proved very able in his own right and a pleasure to instruct.
Domonic graded 9th Kyu in March 05 to 6th Kyu in Feb 2006 and continues to train hard towards his next grading in June of this year.
Domonic is not only a very able Karateka but a bit of a muscian as well, playing in a local band.
Both Rebecca and Domnic are both at the age now when they will physically develop commensurate with their grades, an achievable target for both of you is your Black Belt at 16 in 2008.
Keep up the good work. Osu!