The 5 Rabbits were chased but not caught!
A few years ago I was training hard for my Jiu Jitsu Shodan and I was also training in Karate. My Karate was suffering because I was focused on my up and coming examination.
Gullen Shihan (my Karate Sensei) said to me one day "You will never get anywhere chasing two Rabbits". For the last few years I have only trained in Karate but have not lost my interest in other martial arts.
In October I will be chasing 5 Rabbits for a week of intensive training by some very respected instructors:
- Karate - Wayne Otto Sensei
- Taekwondo - Wayne Brown Sensei
- Weapons Kata - Tre Worsley Sensei & Adrian Rowe Sensei
- Aikido - Gwynne Jones Sensei
- Jiu Jitsu - Steve Barnett Sensei
I look forward to a wider understanding of the martial arts, more details to follow post course...........
The Course was brilliant and as promised I will post a few words about each of the days events. Unfortunately Sensei Tre Worsley was not available for weapons, but Sensei Adrian Rowe taught a full day of Kendo instead.
Each post will give an introduction to the martial art,
A profile of the instructor,
Some in site into the days activities with some photos,
Some useful links to further reading and finally ,
a video clip of the martial art to see how it looks when done properly (not how we performed on the course thankfully)
The course was the annual Army martial arts course held at Tetley Gym, Army School of Physical Training in Aldershot.
I perhaps should have checked my birth certificate for age and mileage before applying to spend six days at ASPT, by the end of the week I felt like I had been in a car accident!
However the opportunity to wrestle with a Brigadier and throw a Colonel through the air without feeling the full wrath of the RSM and AGAI 67 (disciplinary) action doesn't come along very oftern.
There was a very diverse group of martial artists on the course, Karateka, Aikidoka, Ju-Jitsuka, Kendoka, exponents of Taekwondo, Mau-tai, kick boxing, streetfighters and mixed martial artists. I dont think I have missed anyoneone out but if I have appoligies.
Col Dave Hopwood explained that although all the martial arts were very different we would see some themes that ran through all the arts and we should be able to learn something from all of them to apply to our own styles. The general themes were to relax, keep a low centre of gravity , lower than your opponents ideally. Don't be constrained to linear movements, and use your hips to generate power in technique, everything coming from your centre.
Special thanks goes to Ex WO2 QMSI Dave Rigg, who travelled on a daily basis to take us for an hours sports science training. I found Dave's sessions particularly informative and has given me much to think about in my own training and the development of others.
Many thanks to Maj Rob Howells for his hard work in the organisation of the course and events, I know how hard it is to get one senior instructor to run a course but five on consecutive days is quite an accomplishment.
Many thanks to Maj David Worsley for the photographs that are in the series of posts.My last thank yous...promise
Sensei-ne-rei (Thank you to all the instructors)
Otagai-ne-rei (Thank you to all my fellow students for the opportunity to train togeather)
This is post one in a series of six on the AMA course
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As a Shotokan Karateka for over 20 years I believe that the stidy of other martial arts has done nothing but improve my understanding. I no longer grade in karate, my last grading was my shodan back in 1990. I have since studied Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Ju Jitsu, Tae kwon Do and Eskrima. I belive that if you want to progress through the ranks so to speak it is probably best to stick to one main art, but as with myself I no longer do this and therefore don;t have the added pressure of learning a syllabus or Katas (Although I still go through my Kata and practice Bunki (Spelling might be off on this). Having a knowledge of other systems has helped me develop my understanding of bunki and develop my own applications. Karate has in someways lost alot of its teeth when it introduced into schools in Japan. True Karate is a very adaptable and varied martial art, incorpating all forms of martial art such as weapons, grappling etc. Therefore when thought of in this way. Are you really chasing 5 rabbits or has the rabbit just got bigger?
I will leave you to ponder this.
Andy Bailey
Ex SSKC Student and Instructor
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM
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Sensei Nick was talking to us the other day about basic techniques and how he listerns to what his instructors told him and then broke the technique right down and built it up again for himself to truely understand it. I believe Nick is right , beyond Shodan you need to start thinking for yourself, our instructors still have a lot to teach us but we have to learn for ourselves.
Selby Karateka, at 11:08 PM
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