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Selby Shotokan Karate Club span.fullpost {display:inline;}

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Garage Dojo

I really enjoyed the JKS World Championships, a really motivational experience, but what has almost haunted me since was a few words from our Chief Instructor Kagawa Shihan. Para phrased it goes something like..." The only way you can be the best you can is to practice every day".
I don't know if I will ever get the opportunity to train everyday, but I thought I would give myself a chance and build my garage dojo.

Above - The past and the present.

SSKC has a very long history and I am very fortunate to have some of the old JKA Europe mementos, to hang next to the new banner that first hung at the 2011 World Championship.

Above : The IJKA Banner

Our Club was part of the IJKA Europe association, under the direction of Kato Shihan for many years. Myself and Rebecca are indebted to the personal direction and strong Karate foundation that Kato Shihan and the IJKA provided us.

Above - The Flags of Japan and England

The future, a number of the clubs senior grades are hoping to make it to Japan in the Spring.

While with 20 square metres of mats, a heavy bag and some gym equipment, I have all the tools, I hope the body can keep up with the dream and I might even get to Turin in the Autumn....

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